Sunday 26 February 2012


                             Dressing to the occasion is a phrase known to all of us.  But the need of the hour slogan is dressing with sense.  Can all restrain themselves from eating sweets or goodies when they are placed before them?  You should be a diabetic or hater of sweets to do so . similar is the case of dressing . when you dress indecently or obscenely you are prone to invite trouble. Then why do so?

  When a man can be judged by the dress he wears and the friends he has should not dressing properly be given importance?

Saturday 11 February 2012


                        REGAINING THE LOST GLORY----2
          Ancient period saw  the dignity of labour in its full form.  The recent period had witnessed people fussing more about their economic status and declining to do the low selling jobs.The people then had satisfaction in what they did  and lived their lives happily. The present generation--women refuse to do the household work and all the men want to do a white collar job.  They prefer to engage maids for even day-to day chores. None of the educated be it a doctor or teacher want to live in their native villages and develop them. They wish to live in cities --rather metropolis  and earn more and more. The result  the three  u's  urbanisation,  unemployment, unethical activities.
             As the cities are more crowded and populated, one finds it difficult to find a job or a shelter .The medical graduate does not want to treat in villages,the agricultural graduate does not like to work in farms.So are the other educated people also. When they donot find proper job or money, they stoop to such a low level activities like chain snatching, robbing, burglaries and even smuggling and kidnapping.
 When none is ready to plough the field, or grow crops how can one expect the value of food grains or seeds or other comodities to go down. Is it not high time we teach our children the dignity of labour and teach them to do their own things right from childhood? We should explain to them in detail the qualities needed to be a good citizen instead of qualifications to become an employee.Might be then our future generation will experience a safer living times.

Monday 6 February 2012


                                                  REGAINING THE LOST GLORY ---1
                       The last decade saw a numerous changes in a man's life including the dress, habits ,education and social living.  All these had a positive impact on a man's  life while  the stream called  family relations under went a set back.  Most of the families had opted for nuclear living --- meaning living separately---away from their parents. Now the scenerio has changed a little more and taken a ugly turn--single parent system.  The elders should  infact be worried about where the world is moving to. If they wish to regain the lost  glory of united families they should start moving their pawns now, for sooner the better . If delayed one may not know what might happen with the future generation.
                   The present generation aged from thirty to fifty is more job and money oriented  than relation based. They are ready to forgo anything for the sake of their satisfaction . The word  'ADJUSTMENT '  seems to be missing in their dictionary.The present grand parents are helpless as they donot have reigns of their family in their hands. Their words seem to go in air and their thoughts  valueless.To make changes in the present situation, both the govt and individuals should put in efforts.  Let us think of the different ways how the govt can help. Here are a few.
 1-- Giving incentives to people who live with their parents.
 2-- Flexible working hours for ladies who look after their in laws.
  3--discounts in the school fees for the children of  joint family
  4--higher rates for the fd of people who maintain joint account with their parents.
 5--rebates and free gifts to the older people while buying household goods........
     If we put in efforts we can think of a few more.
   At least if such schemes can ooze the feeling of affection between the two generations , might be common pshycological problems faced by children,divorces due to silly reasons, and many other problems will take a downfall.