Sunday, 26 February 2012


                             Dressing to the occasion is a phrase known to all of us.  But the need of the hour slogan is dressing with sense.  Can all restrain themselves from eating sweets or goodies when they are placed before them?  You should be a diabetic or hater of sweets to do so . similar is the case of dressing . when you dress indecently or obscenely you are prone to invite trouble. Then why do so?

  When a man can be judged by the dress he wears and the friends he has should not dressing properly be given importance?


  1. 50% true... there are some animals which will commit crime if a women is wearing a METAL dress..

  2. thank you karthik. though we cannot wipe out , we can atleast reduce it and as you correctly stated they are animals and should be taken to task.

  3. You are right. Dressing sensibly can help avoid a catastrophe. So it is always a sensible thing to do. But at the same time as Deepak said, there are perverts beyond imagination. I guess men as a whole should try to understand and respect women for what they are and not what they look like. I know it is a long way to go though.

  4. A good point. You can't wear half naked dress to a wedding party. At the same time, gawking at jean clad girls and troubling them is also not the done thing.

    Wearing a comfortable clothing and being comfortable with the dress , will be fine.

    But there are lecherous mobs waiting to strip anyone with their eyes. So we can't blame all the dresses.
